The Project Establishing the Cistercian Museum of Spirituality and Culture with the Library at the Cistercian Abbey in Krakow-Mogiła is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme for the Małopolska Region for 2014-2020
Project title:
Establishment of the Cistercian Spirituality and Culture Museum with the Library at the Cistercian Abbey in Krakow-Mogiła
Regional Operational Program of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship for 2014-2020
Measure 6.1
Development of cultural and natural heritage
Sub-measure 6.1.1
Protection and care of monuments
Project no.:
RPMP.06.01.01-12-0089 / 16
Project value:
PLN 11 339 267,20
Co-financing value:
PLN 6 355 400.74
Objectives and planned effects of the Project:
The main goal of the Project is the protection and care of the unique monument representing the Cistercian heritage - the monastery complex of the Mogilskie Abbey - as an invaluable testimony to European architecture, as well as the works of art and artistic handicrafts gathered in it, to adapt to cultural activities by creating the Museum of Spirituality and Culture. Cistercians together with the Library.
- The Project includes:
carrying out conservation and restoration works to protect against destruction and construction works carried out at an immovable monument along with its surroundings, entered in the register of immovable monuments of the Małopolskie Voivodeship; the activities will result in securing and preserving the substance of the monument, stopping the processes of its destruction and exposing the cultural, artistic and aesthetic values of the object (including supplementing its parts) and adapting it to the development of the existing ones, as well as introducing new cultural functions - carrying out conservation and restoration works at movable monuments - entered in the register of movable monuments of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship - and protecting them against destruction,
- purchase of equipment and fittings
- activities related to the presentation of cultural heritage (historical collections)